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Where it’s used

The range of applications for the use of Dragonboard ® products is almost endless.

It’s versatility along with its environmental benefits make is a great option for those running self-build projects for their own home, to architects and developers, involved in large scale retrofit or new build projects. We have listed examples below where it’s used, but please do email us if you think you have a project that isn’t listed as an example and we can advise if we can help.



  • Retrofit Projects for housing associations, when looking to regenerate ex council houses, or upgrading current social housing stock.
  • Self-build projects, due to its ease of application, Dragonboard ® can be readily used across existing homes.
  • New Build Homes are superb properties for the use of Dragonboard ® . Due to the environmental benefits, fast build times, along with general thermal performance, our products are ideally placed for developers and architects when choosing their building materials for new build projects.


  • Dragonboard ® is a fantastic product for domestic and commercial properties in flood risk areas. We have worked with the likes of AXA, Aviva, Lloyds and Sedgewick, alongside our flood defence specialist partners, Aquobex ® .

Business or Organisational Premises

  • Office developments.
  • Sports and leisure facilities.
  • Factories.
  • Schools and Universities.
  • Transport buildings such as train stations and airport terminal buildings and hangars.

When you choose Dragonboard® proven, low carbon building technology you will reduce your risk and improve your returns. You will achieve this with a system that has the class leading sustainability credentials needed to ensure your developments have the lowest possible carbon footprint.

Higher Returns

  • Dragonboard® will improve your bottom line.

Return on Capital

  • Dragonboard® speed on site will turn your development to cash more quickly, vital in today’s working capital hungry, high density developments.
  • While Dragonboard® will only account for 10-15% of your build cost, the system, when used efficiently, provides savings throughout all aspects of your cost base, particularly in regard to time related costs such as site preliminaries.


  • You will benefit from much improved productivity of scarce labour.
  • As an example, a recent study by the BRE of a housing development in Cambridgeshire, demonstrated that traditional construction required 40% more man hours than the Dragonboard ® system.
  • Perhaps even more significantly you will also see much more productive use of increasingly scarce management and design overload.


  • Dragonboard® is less susceptible to weather delays than traditional construction methods.
  • With greater certainty over build programmes, a precision engineered system and less surprises with materials, you will improve cost certainty.

Fewer Defects

  • Dragonboard® clients have found that structures that have been built using the Dragonboard® system have had far fewer defects compared to other methods of construction.
  • The findings are based on analysis of the post completion defect liability period.
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